In this article it looks at how the small details in a design can completely change the usability of the app.

“Reducing functionality keeps the user-focused, but on the other hand, an increase in features could keep the user engaged longer” this is them trying to limit the amount of times that you would feel the need to leave the app and how distracted you would be by fixing issues with the set up. As it should be customisable as it can be without making it too busy so people can not be distracted with something they don’t like.

“When the user is seeking backward to a specific scene they want a smaller unit of time so they can be more precise. Whereas when they are seeking forward they want to skip a scene and want to use a larger unit of time.” here they are talking about Hulu design which is very understanding of user and what they are looking for the options to do, this is a great design for the user to interact with.

“What is especially empowering about YouTube’s execution is they are educating the user by giving feedback visually.” talking about the ability to keep taping to skip more than 10 seconds it will alight a circle on that side of the screen to let you know your doing it.

“When the user isn’t watching videos the odds go up that they will exit the app” keeping everyone engaged and on the app so they make it easier to watch than leave the app.

“Fingers aren’t the most exact tools in the world. Be forgiving with the app experience, let your users get the results they want without having to be too precise.” In Hulu’s design it allows complete ease with moving to different areas of where you’re wanting to watch as the time stamp appears at the top of the screen making it very clear and usable for a large amount of people.

Here are the bullet points of things everyone should consider when designing.